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  • Writer's pictureCheradee Macabanti


Updated: Dec 18, 2021

For me, friendship is someone believing the best in you at all times. Someone defending you when you can’t defend yourself. Someone standing in your corner ready to sacrifice on your behalf at any given time. It’s someone who pushes you to be the best version of yourself and is the first to stand and clap for you when you succeed.

And my favorite person is my significant other. She loves the imperfect me, the confused me, the wrong me – because that is the real me, and ofcourse vice versa. All at the same time she celebrate me, cheer for me and show up for me with no questions asked. She was always there for me, through ups and downs. My best friend knows me as well as I know myself — sometimes better. She has a lot of other close friends and I have some as well. But if someone asked me right now who my “best friend” was, she’d definitely nail it. And she’s been nailing it for almost 9 years.

My best friend has been a hell of a lot more than just a friend. She’s been a sister, a partner, a roommate, a mother figure and — at times — even an enemy. She told me the truth when I didn’t like it. She yelled at me when I was stubborn. She told me I was being stupid when I thought I knew it all. She has fought for me, traveled for me, and considered me. Above all, she has never left my side.

Now that we are distant to each other, we still communicate through social media. We are 291.1 km away from each other. She sometimes visit here in Tarlac, going home here. Last 2019, she came here, we celebrated fiesta and Christmas with her, we usually goes to malls and beache. We enjoyed every single day with her. We slept together, laugh together, and cried together. Now that she's back to her real home, we catch up through video calls and chats. She’s so invested and genuinely cares about what’s happening throughout my day and vice versa. We usually play games through video calls, playing with filters, share problems, and other things, but not all the time, because we have personal time and we respect that. Even now months could go by and we talk as if no time has passed between us. The catching up is a delight. The juicy stuff, the bad things we did, the inappropriate things we think. Boyfriends, crushes, fantasies. We talk about it all. There’s no judgment. There’s no shame. There’s just us. We talk, we laugh, we cajole. And then we hang up for who knows how long. The bottom line – making the effort to connect shows how much you care.

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